Coloring in an adult world!

12483720_948925715194352_1861517821_n 12483849_948925641861026_650532065_n 12506576_948925701861020_1207968362_n 12506708_948925621861028_1867696843_n 12506990_948925591861031_1294351439_n 12540061_948925678527689_1790925497_n 12539976_948925571861033_2041551700_n 12515979_948925728527684_633233521_n 12511885_948925615194362_1513439281_nIt has been WAAAAAAAY to long since my last post! October was my last post and I am so very sorry, but I have not given up on any of you amazing readers! I had a huge issue with Blogging for books that has seemed to take a while to fix and have since fixed this issue and am finally back! I have so much planned and can NOT wait to get started.

I have received a new book from B4B and am kind of disappointed with this one. I’m sure if you are an avid member of the book world you have noticed the huge spike in enthusiasm over adult coloring books. If you are not, well, there really is no need to define what they are as its pretty self explanatory. As an adult it is so hard sometimes to find a little… down time. Its not always necessary to color inside the lines but adults everywhere have come to the conclusion that coloring is coloring and it can be a huge stress reliever!

I have started an interesting collection of adult coloring books and excited to say that B4B has continued to release adult coloring books. Now the one that i got a couple of days ago was a bit of a let down. I got Every Little Thing by Payton Cosell Turner and i think one of the only things i like about it is that it lies completely flat for the users full coloring capabilities. Other than that, the pictures do not make the book. I feel like I have seen more kid coloring books with better pictures… So after this review i will be giving this book to someone else. 61Y2BHk9X9L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_

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