🎵 Dance, magic dance!🎵

Everyone knows I love music, all types of music! Before I knew who David Bowie really was, I fell in love with his Goblin King character from the Labrynth. My mom had got the vhs copy at a yard sale and I watched it till it would no longer play. Aside from Harry Potter it is probably the only movie I’ll drop everything to watch.  So, blogging for books had a book recently that was an autobiography of David Bowie by Dylan Jones and I jumped at the chance to read it!


Dylan Jones’s engrossing, magisterial biography of David Bowie is unlike any Bowie story ever written. Drawn from over 180 interviews with friends, rivals, lovers, and collaborators, some of whom have never before spoken about their relationship with Bowie, this oral history weaves a hypnotic spell as it unfolds the story of a remarkable rise to stardom and an unparalleled artistic path. Tracing Bowie’s life from the English suburbs to London to New York to Los Angeles, Berlin, and beyond, its collective voices describe a man profoundly shaped by his relationship with his schizophrenic half-brother Terry; an intuitive artist who could absorb influences through intense relationships and yet drop people cold when they were no longer of use; and a social creature equally comfortable partying with John Lennon and dining with Frank Sinatra. By turns insightful and deliciously gossipy, DAVID BOWIE is as intimate a portrait as may ever be drawn. It sparks with admiration and grievances, lust and envy, as the speakers bring you into studios and bedrooms they shared with Bowie, and onto stages and film sets, opening corners of his mind and experience that transform our understanding of both artist and art. Including illuminating, never-before-seen material from Bowie himself, drawn from a series of Jones’s interviews with him across two decades, DAVID BOWIE is an epic, unforgettable cocktail-party conversation about a man whose enigmatic shapeshifting and irrepressible creativity produced one of the most sprawling, fascinating lives of our time.

What I got from this book:

This book is a compiled list of interviews and quotes from other celebrities of his time and even some who weren’t from his time but even if you know the basics of David Bowie, this book leaves little for the imagination. You get to see deeper into the type of person he was and learn about the experiences that people had with him not just as a celebrity but a person. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who shares an interest in our beloved Goblin King! R.I.P. Mr. Bowie, you are greatly missed!

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