Hell hath no fury like a woman…

Woman No.17 by

Edan Lepucki

High in the Hollywood Hills, writer Lady Daniels has decided to take a break from her husband. She’s going to need a hand with her young son if she’s ever going to finish her memoir. In comes S., a magnetic young artist, who will live in the secluded guest house out back, care for Lady’s young toddler son, and keep a watchful eye on her older, teenage, one. S. performs her day job beautifully, quickly drawing the entire family into her orbit, and becoming a confidante for Lady. But as the summer wears on, S.’s connection to Lady’s older son takes a disturbing, and possibly destructive, turn. Lady and S. will move closer to one another as they both threaten to harm the things they hold most dear.

What I took away from this book

As well written and put together this book is, it was NOT for me. The characters, as relatable as they can be for some, are nothing but catty, petty women. Along those lines it reminded be of some boy next door scenario at first but turned into something very different and I just didn’t like it. I have a lot of respect for the writer because they left out literally NO details on any aspect but as much as I wanted to like it… I couldn’t. That’s about all I can say on this book before I feel like I’m running the author and her works name through the mud but if your feeling intrigued you can have at it, I might even send you my own copy!

2/5 stars

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