
“What we all want, really, is to be loved. That craving drives our worst behavior.” ― Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care


  I love Chrissy Teigen! She is always bubbly and happy at least on camera. She never hides the fact that she loves food and honestly, that is something people like me like to hide. I have always been a bigger person and its normal for me to want to hide the fact that i thoroughly enjoy food. In her cookbook it shows where she came from and where that love of food came from.

From reading this book i have come to a few conclusions. 1: Chrissy Teigens life revolves mainly around family. 2: She prides herself in cooking all of her meals herself, which, lets be honest, as a celebrity it would be so much easier to hire someone and let them cook for you. and 3: she likes to live a simple life.

Every recipe she has in this book seems fairly easy to replicate and a lot of them have minimal ingredients which is nice for our family because it makes cooking meals for five to eight people easy and still pretty cheap. In our household we have five people, sometimes sic in our household throughout the week and eight people total on the weekends, plus and toddler. Money for groceries add up and the list we make each week is thoroughly plotted out and meticulously planned with a set price in mind and we hardly ever go over our $75- $80 a week budget.

Some of these recipes are mainly for couples but if its just you and your significant other it would be perfect for you to add a little variety to your weekly menu! So if thats the case or you just like collecting cookbooks like me, pick it up! Ill leave the description below and link for anybody who would be interested in checking it out! Keep reading my lovelies!


   Maybe she’s on a photo shoot in Zanzibar. Maybe she’s making people laugh on TV. But all Chrissy Teigen really wants to do is talk about dinner. Or breakfast. Lunch gets some love, too.
For years, she’s been collecting, cooking, and Instagramming her favorite recipes, and here they are: from breakfast all day to John’s famous fried chicken with spicy honey butter to her mom’s Thai classics.
Salty, spicy, saucy, and fun as sin (that’s the food, but that’s Chrissy, too), these dishes are for family, for date night at home, for party time, and for a few life-sucks moments (salads). You’ll learn the importance of chili peppers, the secret to cheesy-cheeseless eggs, and life tips like how to use bacon as a home fragrance, the single best way to wake up in the morning, and how not to overthink men or Brussels sprouts. Because for Chrissy Teigen, cooking, eating, life, and love are one and the same.

~Buying link~


New website!

So a couple of weeks ago i created a facebook page for book lovers and fellow bookworms. After seeing so many people liking the page i have decided to make a web page dedicated to all things books. i will be posting my book reviews there as well as here! If you would like here is the link Hope you like it!